Sign Contracts in Bulk

Don't let signing a contract delay your campaign. Quickly send hundreds of contracts with customized terms.
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manage influencer marketing agreement
influencer marketing agreement tool

Easily Upload Your Contract Template

Upload a contract or keep a template on file. No need to keep asking legal for a creator contract.

Quickly Outline Service of Work

Slice Express Reporting will automatically export the SOW to the relevant creator contracts instantly.
displaying SOW on influencer marketing agreement
customize payment term with Slice Contract tool

Customize Payment Terms

While most creators will get paid on the same schedule, there is always an exception. You can customize the payment terms for individual or groups of creators within a campaign.

Sign Contracts in Bulk

No need to open individual contract files and sign one by one. Slice enables mass signatures so you can focus on the campaign and not the admin work.
Influencer marketing agreement signation
Making agreement with KOL

Start paying thousands of creators with one click.

Streamline taxes and payments with Slice Payments.